April 2024 Delegate Team Report

Hello NC Region,

This report brings you several updates about the happenings at World Services, the US Collaboration of Zones, and the Southeastern Zonal Forum. We have included a summary section for your convenience, followed by the full report.

Quick Links:

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January 2024 Delegate Team Report

Greetings all.

A lot has been going on at the regional, zonal, and world levels, so there’s a lot of material to go over. In an effort to be concise, we will begin with a summary. The summary will then be followed by the full report.

Quick Links:

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October 2023 Delegate Team Report

Hello North Carolina Region,

This report brings you several updates about what is happening in our Region, our Zone, and at World Services. We will begin with a summary, and follow it with the full report.

Quick links:

Continue reading “October 2023 Delegate Team Report”

NAWS Strategic Planning Survey

We reported in our WSC 2023 Report that NAWS is kicking off what we hope will be their most inclusive strategic planning process ever. At WSC 2023, we participated in an exercise to identify internal and external forces that influence our ability to function and effectively carry the message. Now we are asking you to help us prioritize those items. We invite every area, group, and interested member participate in this process by completing the provided survey.

Survey link: https://ncregion-na.org/2023-2024-naws-scan-survey Continue reading “NAWS Strategic Planning Survey”

WSC 2023 Report

Greetings Trusted Servants,

I would like to begin by thanking the body and the region for allowing me to serve in this capacity and carry what I hope was a solid conscience from the regional fellowship to the 2023 World Service Conference.  A lot happened, and a lot is planned moving forward, so hopefully this report will help break some of that down for folks.  Much of this report is pulled directly from the Summary of Decisions that can be found at na.org/conference.  I’ve tried to excerpt some of that here for clarity without having to sift through the whole document.  All files are attached and (hopefully) clearly labeled at the bottom of this post. Continue reading “WSC 2023 Report”